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California home cooks stand up for bill that would decriminalize their work

On Sunday, they joined dozens of other home cooks in a festive, food-filled event in Oakland aimed at halting the criminalization of thousands of home cooks across the state by urging support for the Homemade Food Act, or AB626, whose lead author is Assemblyman Eduardo Garcia, D-Coachella (Riverside County). It’s co-written by state Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco.

Local leaders hold a forum to prepare the valley for the 2020 Census

Imperial County has depended on money from the U.S. Census for decades but one change to the census, specifically whether someone is a U.S. citizen, could affect the money received from the survey.

"At the end of the day, that question I mean personally, we believe is irrelevant. But nevertheless that should not have people hesitate in participating in the process of making sure everyone is counted," said Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia.