Powell Honored as a Veteran of the Year

Source: The Uken Report

SACRAMENTO — Indio resident, Reginald "Reggie" Powell was honored Wednesday as the 56th Assembly District’s 2018 Veteran of the Year. Democratic state Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia, D-Coachella, presented Powell with the award.

After serving overseas, Powell, a United States Air Force Veteran, was still determined to be of service to others. He has dedicated more than 35 years of service to being an educator. His extensive career of public service also includes 10 years as a police officer, five years as a juvenile probation officer, four years as a member of the Coachella Valley Gang Task Force, and 10 years as a youth pastor.

“It is my distinct privilege to recognize United States Air Force Veteran, Reggie Powell as our Veteran of the Year. I highly commend his distinguished service in defense of our nation, as well as his continued contributions within our Coachella Valley community as an educator. He is the epitome of a true patriot and exemplary citizen,” Garcia said in a prepared statement.

“I can personally attest to his passion and dedication to students. Both my son and I have had the opportunity to experience Mr. Powell in the classroom,” Garcia added. “In his over three decades as an educator, he has made a tremendous impact on generations of students many of whom have now emerged as successful community leaders themselves.”