Billionaire environmentalist Tom Steyer joins Eduardo Garcia to fight for clean water across California

Source: The Desert Sun

Assemblyman Eduardo Garcia, D-Coachella, led Steyer and a delegation of local and state leaders on a tour of areas that have, for years, lacked clean drinking water, including a Thermal elementary school whose water source is an old, unreliable well.

"Water is key,” said Sergio Carranza, executive director of Pueblos Unido CDC, a Coachella nonprofit that advocates for affordable housing in the east valley.

Many California residents, Garcia said, are still unaware of the connections between climate change policy, the air they breathe and the water they drink.

"Driving the climate change conversation at the state level has allowed us to connect the dots to these very localized environmental injustices," he said.

After spending more than $73 million during the 2018 midterm elections, Steyer wouldn't say which candidate he intended to support in the presidential primary, but said he would continue to juggle his interests in both national politics, including continuing his efforts to impeach President Trump, and local environmental issues in California and throughout the country.