Governor Brown’s budget revise includes big wins for education and transportation but falls short on parks.
(SACRAMENTO, CA.)—Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia (D-Coachella) has released the following statements on Governor Brown’s May Revise of the 2017-2018 State Budget:
“Today, we heard some great news for California education! I applaud the Governor’s proposed increase for school funding, particularly his emphasis on K-12 education and a $1.4 billon allocation into the Local Control Funding Formula with priority for low-income and English learners. These investments in local control are essential to ensure student success from classroom to career by allowing disadvantaged communities, like those in my District to utilize state dollars to meet the unique needs of their students.”
“This budget revise also restores funding for child care and preschool programs that had been previously agreed to in the 2016 Budget Act, including $7.9 million in Proposition 98 funding to create 2,959 full-day State Preschool slots.”
“The historic passage of SB 1 will bring home a big win for many of our 56th District communities, particularly for our underserved, underfunded areas of the Eastern Riverside and Imperial County. The I10 bridge collapse of 2015 was a perfect illustration of our state’s 23 year infrastructure backlog. The May Budget Revision will allow our local governments to implement funding for high priority projects, while ensuring greater accountability, transparency from Caltrans. Imperial County is looking at $14.8 million annually for ten years, while Riverside County should see $76.5 million in the same time frame. I am eager to see these transportation dollars at work building bridges, paving roads and generating jobs in my community.”
“Additionally, I appreciate Governor Brown’s continued commitment to support our local transit agencies with a $305 million increase to the State’s Transit Assistance Grant.”
“After much contention and negotiation, I am pleased that Governor Brown reconsidered funding In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS). The May Revise shows an estimated $592.2 million to return to the share-of- cost structure for counties, as well as a proposal that will allow counties experiencing IHSS financial hardship to apply for a low interest loan to the Department of Finance.”
“Proposition 56 also scored a revenue increase to Medi-Cal of an estimated $19.8 million.”
Economic Outlook:
“As the former Chair of Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee, I am excited to see that California led the nation in jobs created this past year. This newly revised budget will give the Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GO-Biz) $2 million to utilize for small business grants, concentrating on applicants from areas of high unemployment and poverty. This is exactly the type of GO-Biz reform we advocated last year, to ensure that economic investments are made in underserved areas, like Imperial County, that need it the most.”
Parks and Recreation:
- The proposed transportation budget includes a “Fix our Parks” initiative that will allocate $31.5 million to repair and maintain parks infrastructure including roads, bridges, campgrounds, etc.
- $65 million General Fund Dollars will be used to create a new Natural Resources and Parks Preservation Fund, establishing a “pay as you go” special fund to support natural resource projects previously funded by flood management, parks, forestry, land preservation, wildlife habitat and climate adaptation bond measures. Program funding will be determined on a year-to-year basis.
“I am disappointed by the Governor’s meager approach to our state’s major park and recreation deficit. Insecure year-to year funding is just not going to cut it for our local communities that have already been bearing the brunt of this shortfall. This is precisely why we’ve put forward AB 18, a true park bond that will prioritize our disadvantaged and severely disadvantaged areas, lacking both access to local parks and basic infrastructure. I am optimistic that if we work together, the Legislature can come to an agreement on a comprehensive park infrastructure investment plan that will open up the recreational opportunities that our Californian families have been waiting for.”
“I commend the Governor’s significant investment in flood and dam safety which will help prevent other areas throughout the state from facing a crisis like that of Oroville.”
“The Administration has clearly prioritized making water conservation a way of life, which is exactly the type of proactive approach needed to prepare California for future droughts and other effects of climate change. This morning’s budget revise will fund additional five positions to the Water Board to implement water management legislation and will give the Department of Water Resources $1 million, General Fund dollars to support the Save Our Water Campaign.”
Salton Sea/New River:
“Although we did not see and direct budget allocations for the New River and Salton Sea, I commit to continue working with the Governor’s Office to ensure that the state upholds their responsibility on this critical issue. I praise the Ten Year Plan for the Salton Sea but questions remain to be answered about the funding after the first four years and the role of geothermal energy development as a potential funding source.”
For more on the Governor’s 2017-2018 Budget Proposal May Revise: