Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia Champions Disability Access to Parks Legislation

AB 2535 Passes First Legislative Hurdle

Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia in Committee


(Sacramento, CA) – On Tuesday, April 26, Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia’s (D-Coachella) AB 2535, Disability Access to Parks, passed the Assembly Committee on Water, Parks, and Wildlife. This bill would ensure that projects receiving State of California grant funding for constructing or rehabilitating playgrounds or play structures include disability access.  


Assemblymember Garcia has been a longtime parks champion who has delivered historic community park investments to his district thanks to his work authoring SB 5/Prop 68, the California Water and Parks Bond 2018. This past winter, Garcia announced $44.2 million in Prop 68 grant funds for local park projects in the Coachella Valley and Imperial County. Now with AB 2535, Garcia aims to prioritize park playground accessibility, an equity issue that he has advocated for throughout his career.


“Everyone should have access to parks and playgrounds. We must ensure park playgrounds across our state are more inclusive and accessible for those with physical and mental disabilities. Supporting funding for fully inclusive and accessible playgrounds is an important and long overdue step as we strive to achieve California’s parks for all vision,” said Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia.