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Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia’s Tribal Water Infrastructure Bill Celebrates Victory in the State Assembly

(Sacramento, CA) – This week, Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia’s (D-Coachella) AB 2877, Tribal Water Infrastructure, celebrated successful passage in the California State Assembly and will advance to the Senate. The legislation would dedicate Safe and Affordable Funding for Equity and Resilience (SAFER) program resources for California Native American tribes and importantly, ensure that a limited waiver of tribal sovereignty is not required for a tribe to utilize these grants.

Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia, Legislators, and Advocates Rally Support for $1 Billion Community Parks and Outdoor Equity Budget Ask

(Sacramento, CA) – As the Legislature considers the upcoming state budget surplus, Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia (D-Coachella), long-time park champion and author of Prop 68, California’s 2018 Parks and Water Bond, is leading a $1 billion budget request to support the Statewide Parks Program and Outdoor Equity Grants Program.

Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia Champions Disability Access to Parks Legislation

(Sacramento, CA) – On Tuesday, April 26, Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia’s (D-Coachella) AB 2535, Disability Access to Parks, passed the Assembly Committee on Water, Parks, and Wildlife. This bill would ensure that projects receiving State of California grant funding for constructing or rehabilitating playgrounds or play structures include disability access.  

Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia’s Community-Driven Lithium Bill Package Advances from Key Committees as More Lithium Valley Opportunities Come Together for Region

(Sacramento, CA) – On Wednesday, April 20, Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia (D-Coachella) successfully advanced three Lithium Valley legislative proposals out of key Assembly committees. AB 2851, Lithium Valley Office of Development, and AB 2929, Lithium Production Report, passed in the Assembly Committee on Utilities and Energy, while the Assembly Committee on Labor and Employment approved AB 2903, California Workforce Development Board Salton Sea Geothermal Equitable Access Program. These committee victories came as U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer M. Granholm conducted a visit to the Salton Sea region, and upon the heels of Controlled Thermal Resources and Satevolt’s announced plans to build a 54 GWh Gigafactory in Imperial County.